HELP, this word made up only with four letters but have very deep meaning inside.
Helping others is a privilege and an honour.
If you're helphing someone and expecting something in return, you're doing business,not kindness.
Never help someone only just because you want them to help you back.
Helping others is our duty.Always be ready to do good of others.
It sounds so good to say this sentence "May I help you?"  Be habitual to ask this question.
Sometimes your small efforts can bring smile on someone's face that's why humans are most wonderful creation of God.
We can help our self and others too.
We need to pursue this.
We get blessings from helping people.
Helping people is the work of virtue.
A helping hand doesn't need to be big in size, it is the helping attitude that matters the most. To help someone you don't always need money,there are so many others way to help them.
Make some time,look at in your old boxes,there are so many things that is useless for you but very useful for so many other people. Give your time to someone it is also a way to help them.
Do not help the corrupt politician to win the election but help the poor child to get education.Always give your support and help to the right one.
Great people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own problems.
You don't need reason to help someone.
God has given us two hands, one to help yourself and second to help others.
And let me tell you very frankly that some people do not deserve your help,so be wise enough to know whom to help and whom to not.
Always help the needy one not the greedy one.
Not only the people but help the animals also. Treat them in a good way.They also deserve to live a good life.
If you can not help anyone, then at least do not be the reason for their troubles.
DO help to someone you feel awesome, seriously, I do because if I don't I never say to you. it's amazing feeling when you can bring smile on someone's face by just doing some little work.
Such happiness is nowhere else which comes after helping people.
A little help of your can bring a smile on someone's face.
Be the beacon of light in someone's darkness.
Be kind, Be helpful, Be Human.

व्यर्थ है वो जीवन जो किसी के काम ना आ सकें,
किस काम के वो हाथ जो मदद के लिए उठाये ना जा सकें,
देकर औरो को खुशियाँ गम उनके अगर तुम बाँट सको
इससे बड़ा कोई काम नही, किसी के काम अगर तुम आ सको,
जीना है तो ऐसे जीओ लोग बरसो तक तुम्हे याद करे,
काम तुम्हारे देख के सब लोग मदद की बात करे,
ना कोई हो कमजोर कभी,सबकी ताकत बन जाना तुम
दो पल के इस जीवन को ऐसे ही जीते जाना तुम |  
                                      Jagriti Srivastava


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